At Havant Academy, we pride ourselves in looking smart and being part of the school community, and this is shown through our uniform. Uniform can be purchased from the SkoolKit website, or the shop found in the Meridian Centre.
•All students must wear a Havant Academy tie.
•KS3 students wear a full purple tie.
•All students must wear a Havant Academy branded blazer.
•All students must wear a plain white shirt; this could be short or long sleeved. This should be tucked in.
•Students can wear an optional black v-neck jumper in colder weather; this is not a substitute for the blazer.
•Black formal style trousers. (Please note leggings, tight fitting trousers or jeans are not to be worn, even if they have been purchased in a ‘school uniform' section of a shop or supermarket.)
•Havant Academy check school skirt.
All students must wear plain black footwear (trainers are permitted) with a flat sole and heels no more than 2 cm in height. Open toed footwear or steel toe capped shoes are not permitted.
PE / Dance kit
New PE and Dance KIT (Left)
•Black and Purple sports top
•One of - Plain black shorts, Black tracksuit trousers or Plain black leggings (thick material, must not be transparent)
•Black, non-marking trainers
Waterproof Jacket - Optional
We recommend all students bring a refillable water bottle to school. Water bottles may be refilled from the filtered dispensers before school, and during Break 1 and Break 2.
At Havant Academy we expect all students to bring 5 key pieces of equipment each day: a pen, pencil, ruler, green pen and highlighter. Being prepared for learning means lesson time is not wasted. If just two minutes are spent handing out equipment each lesson, this totals 32.5 hours an academic year, over one week (25 hours) of lost learning time.
Students can purchase the Havant Five (required equipment) online
Ordering Procedure for Student Resources:
- Log onto ParentPay https://app.parentpay.com/public/client/security/v2/#/logout?next=auth.login
- You will see the option to purchase a stationary/pencil case with included equipment.
- Purchase this product following the same method and process you normally follow for purchasing a trip.
- We will then leave your stationary and order at main reception for students to collect.
- Any questions or queries please 023 9306 3592 for any further queries and speak with the reception team.
The Academy uniform for Years 7 – 11 comprises of:
Black trousers or Havant Academy skirt. Leggings and jeans are not acceptable items of clothing for school.
Academy blazer, with the Academy logo should be worn at all times (in the event of hot weather, students will be given permission to remove their blazer by the Headteacher).
A Havant Academy logo (purchased from Skoolkit) can be sewn onto a plain black blazer.
Black or grey socks with black trousers. Neutral or black tights with skirts.
A white school shirt must be worn tucked in.
Plain black footwear with a flat sole and a heel of no more than 2cm in height.
An Academy clip on tie. Years 7 - 9 plain purple and Years 10 & 11 purple and grey striped.
Plain black V-neck jumpers (no logos) can be worn under the blazer in colder weather, but not as a substitute for the blazer.
Students may wear one pair of small gold or silver stud ear rings in the lobes of their ears. Facial jewellery is not permitted.
In addition, it should be noted that:
Hair should be a natural colour/tone and extreme ‘cuts’ of any shape or design are not acceptable.
Students with long hair must have it tied back whilst participating in all practical lessons for safety reasons.
Discreet make-up is permitted in Year 10 & 11, but not in Year 7, 8 and 9.
False eyelashes are not permitted in school.
Hair should be a natural colour and students should only wear a single set of earrings.
Nail varnish and acrylic nails are not allowed.
Coats must not be worn in the Academy building. We would recommend a waterproof one for travel to and from school.
Hoodies are not an acceptable item of clothing to be worn at school and are not considered an alternative to a coat.
The PE Uniform for Years 7 – 11 comprises of:
For Physical Education, all students must wear the Havant Academy PE Kit which is made up of:
Havant Academy Purple Sports Polo Top
Plain Black Shorts/Skirt/Leggings
Sports Socks
All of our uniform can be purchased from Skoolkit:
Visit their website by clicking here
The closest Skoolkit branch is located in Havant (31 Meridian Centre, Havant, PO9 1UN)
If you wish to enquire about second hand uniform,
please contact Michelle Smith michelle.smith@havant-tkat.org
Havant Academy ensures that our uniform supplier (Skoolkit - Havant) give the highest priority to cost and value for money (including the quality and durability of the garment)