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Attendance Expectations
The Governors and staff of Havant Academy are committed to providing a full and effective education for all our students to ensure they achieve their potential in all that they do.
We believe that all students benefit from the education we provide and from regular and punctual school attendance. To these ends, we will do all we can to ensure that all students attend regularly and that any problems which get in the way of this are identified and acted upon as soon as possible.
For further information and advice, please contact the Attendance Officer.
Email: attendance@havant-tkat.org
Phone: 0844 8365846
We expect that all students will:
attend the Academy regularly
arrive on time, appropriately dressed in college uniform and prepared for the Academy day
through our effective pastoral system, tell a member of staff about any problem which is making it hard for them to attend the Academy regularly
We expect that all parents will:
encourage their children to attend the Academy every day and on time
ensure that they contact the Academy as soon as possible i.e. on the first day of absence before 9.00am whenever their children are unable to attend
ensure that their children arrive appropriately dressed and fully prepared for the Academy day
provide the Academy with up to date home, work and emergency telephone numbers
not arrange family holidays to take place during the Academy term
inform the Academy in confidence about any problem which might affect their child’s attendance or behaviour
Parents can expect that the Academy will:
provide a good quality education
record their child/children attendance regularly (every lesson), accurately and efficiently
on the first day of absence make every reasonable effort to contact the parent when their child fails to attend the Academy without good reason
deal discretely and properly with any problem notified to the Academy by the parent
make all efforts to encourage good attendance and behaviour
Good attendance at school is vital for students to achieve their full educational potential and enhance opportunities for further education and work placements.
As well as good attendance being a legal requirement, research has also proved that students with good attendance records benefit in the following ways:
Improved performance in coursework tasks
Enhanced performance in examinations
Continuity of relationships and friendships
Good references for further education or employment
Good habits are formed for later life
less likely to become involved in anti-social behaviour
less likely to become NEET
Attendance percentages are not like examination results: an attendance percentage needs to be in the high nineties before it can be considered good. Consider the following examples:
An attendance record of 90% might seem good but is equal to 1 day missed per fortnight. If this continues from Years 7 to 11, a total of six month’s education will be lost.
An attendance record of 80% might seem acceptable but is equal to 1 day missed per week. If this continues from Years 7 to 11, a total of one year’s education will be lost.
In order for an attendance record to be deemed good it must be 96% or above:
100% = excellent attendance
98% = good attendance
96% = acceptable attendance
95% - 90% = concerning
below 90% is a serious cause for concern
We consider good attendance to be of such importance that we place a great deal of emphasis on it and put considerable resources into promoting it. Below are listed some of the strategies used:
Individual rewards for Students with good and excellent attendance records
Regular attendance information sent to parents to assist them in monitoring their child’s attendance
Regular promotion of good attendance in assemblies, Attendance Newsletter, Parents’ Evenings
Detailed analysis of attendance figures sent to Academy Leadership Team each term
Regular reports to governors
Computerised registration system which allows every lesson to be monitored
Contact with parents on the first day of absence as the first stage of the new 5 stage process
Support for Students and parents where attendance difficulties are emerging
Parents play a very important role in ensuring the good attendance records of their children. Below is a list of suggested strategies:
Encourage full attendance
Stress the importance of full attendance to your child
Do not allow your child to have time off for minor complaints or illnesses: if they are well enough to be up and about they are generally well enough to attend our Academy
Monitor your child's attendance report carefully
Try to book any medical or dental appointments in out of Academy hours or make them from the very end of the day
Ensure your child is punctual (lateness can lead to legal action)
Inform the Academy of any absence on first day of absence and subsequent days
Take any vacations in school holidays, not during term time
If your child seems unwilling to attend, contact the Academy as soon as possible: do not let your child stay at home as this could set a precedent for the future
Attendance is very important and therefore, the Academy and governors took the decision not to authorise holidays taken in school time.
Any parent/carer wishing planning to take their child/children on holiday during term time are strongly advised against this and are given a full reason why the holiday has been denied by the Academy. If you do wish to ask permission for Leave of Absence (holiday in term time) you must write to the Headteacher in the first instance requesting permission; failure to do this can lead to legal action being taken. It is not given that because you have written in that we will authorise the Leave of absence as each case is evaluated on its on merit.
All children of compulsory school age who are registered at a School or Academy that fail to attend regularly are subject to legal action being taken against parent/s and carers under section 444 of the 1996 Education Act
Only the Academy can authorise an absence. An explanation given by a parent is not, necessarily, sufficient for the Academy to authorise an absence.
According to guidelines to schools an absence may only be authorised if the absence is due to:
Student illness
"Leave" given by the Academy (this commonly includes medical appointments, interviews, and other similar special circumstances)
The Student being unable to attend due to unavoidable causes
Religious observance where applicable
Absences which the Academy is NOT able to authorise include:
Looking after a relative, pet etc.
A shopping trip, even if this is for uniform
Day trips
Pop concerts
Lateness after the register has closed i.e. after 8.45am
Being unable to participate in a school activity e.g. Games or a school trip
Remaining at home to wait for deliveries, repairmen etc.
It is the law for parents to ensure that their child has the benefit of regular education. Recorded unauthorised absences show that parents are in breach of this law. In addition, unauthorised absences, including truancy, are recorded on the register in the same way.
Thus, future employers, colleges or universities will not be able to differentiate between different unauthorised absences and may decide that the attendance record shows a lack of commitment to education and authority.
These difficulties can show themselves in a number of different ways e.g. a reluctance to go to school, feigning illness, failure to attend school even though the child is sent, missing lessons whilst in school. If a problem seems to be emerging parents should:
Talk to the child to try to ascertain if there are any problems or worries at school, on the journey to or from school or at home
Contact the Academy as soon as possible
Consider seeking advice from appropriate websites
Havant Academy never takes such action lightly and would far rather work with parents/carers to improve attendance without having to resort to any enforcement actions.
Under section 444 of the Education Act 1996 a penalty fine will be issued. The cost of the fine is £60 payable within 21 days. If this remains unpaid it increases to £120 within a further 7 days. If this remains unpaid then we being proceeding to court action that can lead to higher fines, possible custodial sentences, parenting orders and community orders.
More information can be found here