On behalf of The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT), the Governors, staff, and students, I am delighted to welcome you to Havant Academy.
Our values of ‘working hard; and ‘being kind’ provide a productive climate for learning, with a culture that engenders a sense of belonging, within which every student is known and supported to succeed.
Our key aims are for our students to have high aspirations and expectations for themselves and their school, and that these are recognised. We believe passionately that our students deserve, and can achieve, the very best outcomes. We are dedicated to ensuring that our students experience the best support and care, within an environment where they can safely engage in their learning.
We have an exciting, broad, and balanced Curriculum, which provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to be academically successful and make a positive contribution to society. We intend that by experiencing this Curriculum, all our students will be able to access a range of opportunities post 16 and lead successful, happy, and fulfilling lives.
I believe that every child has matters; every child has unique potential, and it is our duty to nurture and develop it. With the support of our dedicated team of teachers, staff, and governors, we strive to provide an excellent education that prepares our students for the challenges of the future.
We are a school at the heart of our local community, and we aspire to be the school of choice for all who live here.
Miss Vicki Dillon-Thiselton
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