TKAT ACE at Havant

ACE at Havant
Students at Havant Academy who are entitled to free school meals and/or pupil premium funding will receive pastoral and academic support through our ACE programme.
The “A Champion for Every Child”, or ACE, rollout throughout all TKAT Schools has supported the hiring of “ACE Tutors” full-time for about a third of the roles, with existing staff such as teachers or pastoral support workers making up the rest.
As a school, we are very pleased to be a part of the trust wide programme which supports the progress of our students. ACE provides every child in receipt of Pupil Premium with an ACE Tutor who will meet with them individually and have regular contact with their family. The ACE Tutor’s also work in partnership with other agencies and offer extra opportunities in school, for example joining a club or supporting a child with an ambition or aspiration they may have.
ACE Tutors will try and help with any barriers that might get in the way of your child becoming the best they can be.
ACE Tutors do not teach, but they will listen, support and seek further help if needed. Our ACE Tutors will also contact parents/carers regularly to talk about their child, offer support and guidance or just be a person to chat to. We really hope this will offer our student’s something new and exciting with lots of talk about their future happiness, aspirations and critically their well-being.
ACE has impacted a lot of our students' lives; Lennox in Year 9 recently shared the benefits of having an ACE tutor.
“Before I met sir, I wasn’t really acting right, I didn't go to a lot of lessons and I didn’t like coming to school in general, really. My attitude wasn’t good at all really. Sir has helped me a lot and made me realise what is important and that if I want a good future I have to work hard.
Sir helps me with life not just school stuff, I spend a lot of time with Mr O’Hara which helps me stay focused and he never gives up on me. He's always there for me which makes coming to school a lot easier for me.
I now live a much healthier life than I did before, I now exercise on a regular basis and eat and drink a lot better. Sir has helped me realise my decisions and actions will decide if I have a good, positive future or not. Meeting sir on a regular weekly/daily basis helps me feel supported and cared about.
Appreciate you, Sir.”